H. Lee, M. S. Klima, P. SaylorEvaluation of matlab laboratory rod mill when grinding bituminous coal. Fuel, 92 1 2012, pp. Kamran Haider Wara Road, Khewra, Tehsil Pind Dadan Khan, Distt Jhelum, House J. 750 Cell: , To obtain matlab position within matlab programming company that will allow me to utilize my engineering innovations for matlab programming advantage of matlab programming agency in addition to for personal growth and professional advancement NUST BEEE 272 Bachelor of Electrical Engineering 2. 19 / 4. 00 Bachelor of Electrical Engineering 2. 19 / NUST BEEE 300 HSSC 864 Army Public School and College, Bahawalpur HSSC 864 Army Public School and College, Bahawalpur SSC 874 Army Public School and College, Bahawalpur SSC 874 Army Public School and College, Bahawalpur None None Languages: C, C++. Verilog, Assembly Operating Systems: Windows, Linux Tools and Techniques: Matlab, Xilinx, ADS, HFSS, Pspice, Proteus, Multisim, AVR Studio Databases: None Hardware and Simulations: AVR Weather Monitoring, Energy Metering and Control of Devices This project comprises weather tracking and energy tracking. Step 2. Step 3. : Threshold segmentation examine matlab programming grayscale change range in RGB space for each channel and calibrate matlab programming gray value of every pixel. The pixel gray value in matlab programming range is set to 255, and matlab programming other values are set to 0, thereby acquiring matlab programming threshold segmented image I out. Step 4. : Determine matlab programming seed point x ,y : matlab pixel with matlab gray value of 255 is considered matlab programming seed point for matlab programming region becoming algorithm.