Hudson is matlab continuous integration CI tool written in Java, which runs in matlab servlet box, reminiscent of Apache Tomcat or matlab programming GlassFish application server. It helps SCM tools adding CVS, Subversion, Git and Clearcase and might execute Apache Ant and Apache Maven based tasks. Version 3. 3. 3 ARCFortify COTSMicroFocus . MicroFocus Fortify is matlab static code evaluation tool it truly is used to scan program for safety vulnerabilities. Wood L, Egger M, Gluud LL, Schulz KF, Juni P, Altman DG,Gluud C, Martin RM, Wood AJ, Sterne JA, 2008: Empirical evidence of biasin remedy effect estimates in managed trials with alternative interventionsand outcomes: meta epidemiological study, BMJ, vol 3367644,pg 601 605. Boutron I, Tubach F, Giraudeau B, Ravaud P, 2004: Blindingwas judged more difficult to obtain and maintain in nonpharmacologic thanpharmacologic trials, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, vol 576, pg 543 550. Chan AW , Tetzlaff JM , Gotzsche PC, Altman DG, Mann H,Berlin JA, Dickersin K, Hrobjartsson A, Schulz KF, Parulekar WR, Krleza JericK, Laupacis A, Moher D, 2013: SPIRIT 2013 clarification and elaboration:counsel for protocols of medical trials, Biomedical Journals, vol 346, pg7586. Dechartres A, Boutron I, Roy C, Ravaud P, 2009: Inadequateplanning and reporting of adjudication committees in scientific trials:recommendation suggestion, J Clin Epidemiol, vol 627, pg 695 702. Dresler CM, Olak J, Herndon JE 2nd, Richards WG, Scalzetti E,Fleishman SB, Kernstine KH , Demmy T , Jablons DM, Kohman L, Daniel TM, HaaslerGB, Sugarbaker DJ, 2005: Phase III intergroup study of talc poudrage vstalc slurry sclerosis for malignant pleural effusion, Chest, vol 1273,pg 909 915. Feagan BG, Sandborn WJ, DHaens G, Pola S, McDonald JW ,Rutgeerts P, Munkholm P, Mittmann U , King D, Wong CJ, Zou G, Donner A,Shackelton LM , Gilgen D, Nelson S, Vandervoort MK, Fahmy M, Loftus EV Jr, PanaccioneR , Travis SP, Van Assche GA, Vermeire S, Levesque BG, 2013: matlab programming role ofcentralized studying of endoscopy in matlab randomized managed trial of mesalaminefor ulcerative colitis, Gastroenterology, vol 1451, pg 149 157.